martes, 11 de junio de 2013

Por qué las Islas Cayman son Islands of opportunity?

Por que han diversificado su economía. Por un lado son un centro financiero global y por otro una industria turística.

A global financial center
An entirely separate tourism industry
The Business Statistics
Worlds 5th largest banking centre

Nearly 300 banks
….. US$ 1.5 Trillion in banking liabilities 
More than 93,000 Companies registered in Cayman
  ……800 Insurers
  ……10,000 mutual funds
The worlds leading offshore hedge fund jurisdiction in 2012.
Pequeña historia reciente:
60’s & 70’s
….Transfer of wealth to Cayman from recently independent Caribbean states
80’ & 90’s
….Built professional financial services sector based on Tax free status
….Became a leading global offshore financial center
Key to its success was the partnership between Government and private sector in creating a legal and administrative structure which enabled Cayman to become one of the worlds leading off-shore financial centres
The population is only 57,000 with a high % of professional foreign nationals.

Y reciben 2.000.000 de turistas anuales. No está mal.

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