martes, 15 de octubre de 2013

Fogo island, Canada, only with 2.600 people, create a new hotel.

A new hotel, in a strange landscape in a strange island in

"The cantilevered wings that make up Fogo Island Inn, a cruciform structure clad in indigenous spruce, are set at peculiar angles, appearing to be held up by slightly off-kilter stilts. This careful detail embodies a particular brand of Newfoundland humour – equal parts sly wit and bravado, born of ingenuity and necessity. The angles suggest that the 29-room hotel is so cleverly designed, you could remove all of the supports and it would remain standing, despite the snow, sea spray and occasional gales from the wild North Atlantic pounding at its doorstep". 

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 Personally I think it is not to much integrated in the landscape but if we look the other photo of vernacular architecture we can understand why fogoislandinn is a special hotel.

Fogo Island is the largest of the islands of Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada. It lies off the northeast coast of Newfoundland, northwest of Musgrave Harbour across Hamilton Sound, just east of the Change Islands. The island is about 25 km long and 14 km wide. The total area is 237.71 km² (91.78 sq mi). The island had a population of 2,706 people in the 2006 census.

1 comentario:

  1. Pensé que ibas a continuar con la historia del señor que va Sal y Boavista. Pensé que era Fogo la isla caboverdiana.
